Food for birds overview

Insects are an extremely important source of food for birds .

Robin eyeing an ant ©Janet Allen

This robin devoured the insect (on the top right of the log) immediately after I took this shot. This adult bird enjoyed this tasty morsel, but insects are an especially important food for feeding birds’ young.

Besides rotting logs that often harbor tasty tidbits, how do we provide insects for birds in our yard? By planting native plants — the plants insects evolved with!

We also use earth-friendly gardening practices in general, but it’s especially important that we  leave leaves and other dead materials and not use pesticides.

We provide natural sources of food including seeds, fruit, and nectar.

We also supplement with suet and mealworms. Birds love these, but providing these isn’t nearly as important as supplying a natural abundance of insects and other foods in the yard.
