- KEYSTONE means they are listed by National Wildlife Federation as core plants for a wildlife garden in my ecoregion (Ecoregion 8).
- NOT QUITE NATIVE means they are slightly out of range but adjacent to NYS as determined by GoBotany and NY Flora Atlas.
- Otherwise the plant is a NY-native or native to the area noted.
Resources on sedges
Mt. Cuba Center: Carex for the Mid-Atlantic – Excellent resource!
Appalachian sedge (Carex appalachica)

Appalachian sedge is a delicate little sedge, nicely clumping. I have a little patch of this charming plant.
If I look carefully, sometimes I find little seedlings that I replant in a new patch.
I hope to have many more!
- Learn more:
- Wildflower Center: Appalachian sedge
Blue sedge (Carex glaucodea)

I think this is blue sedge, but I’m not sure. I haven’t been as careful about identification as I should be when I buy plants. Whatever it is, I like its form and growth pattern.
- Learn more:
- Wildflower Center: Blue sedge
Plantain sedge (Carex plantaginea)

An attractive sedge I think.
No one would ever buy a sedge for its flower. Still, though, it’s attractive and interesting.

- Learn more:
- Wildflower Center: Plantain sedge
MIDWEST NATIVE Palm sedge (Carex muskingumensis)
I liked palm sedge so I transplanted seedlings around the yard. But after a while I discovered that without the support of surrounding plants, they flattened out and looked pretty messy so I removed these extras. I guess it’s not a great loss now that I know they’re not native here in NYS.

It’s quite a bit taller than most sedges I have, and it has a palm-like branching structure.

Sedges “flower,” too. Here’s the palm sedge flower.
- Learn more:
- Wildflower Center: Palm sedge
Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica)
We bought one of these with the expectation that it will either reproduce by itself or I’ll be able to divide it. What I want eventually is to have a whole patch of this charming little sedge, just like what we saw at Garden in the Woods, where we purchased the plant.

Wildlife: Birds
- Learn more:
- Wildflower Center: Pennsylvania sedge
Silver sedge (Carex platyphylla)

We bought a large pot of these at Garden in the Woods. I divided the fairly large plant into four pieces. I hope they survive because a patch of this sedge would be very pretty. Bill Cullina in his Ferns, Moss, and Grasses book says it’s his favorite sedge.
- Learn more:
- Wildflower Center: Silver sedge