I hesitate to include native plants in an “invasive species” section since they are not technically invasive. They’re not even what I myself consider invasive.
I include these only because so many people mistakenly describe them as invasive.
NOTE: I’m referring to plants native to our region. Certainly “native” plants that are native to, for example, the Pacific Northwest are not a native plant in our region, so they could indeed accurately be described as invasive in Central New York.

We have some of these overly eager native plants. I’ve heard people refer to them as “invasive” because they’re invading their yard beyond their allotted space or crowding out other plants.
I call them “exuberant” or “enthusiastic,” but they are NOT ecologically invasive plants.
I can pull out any number of asters and be confident that I’m not eliminating this useful plant from my yard.
Enthusiastic native plants may sometimes be annoying BUT don’t create the dangers posed by non-native invasive plants. I grow these enthusiastic plants when I judge their benefits to wildlife or my own pleasure outweigh the annoyance of keeping them in bounds.
An example in our habitat garden is jewelweed (Impatiens spp.). It’s the native version of the non-native impatiens that’s widely sold as a bedding plant. Yes, it can be annoying because it spreads enthusiastically.

But in its favor, it’s a wonderful nectar plant. Hummingbirds and bumble bees adore it, and I find the little hanging blossoms intriguing. I and others also take some child-like pleasure in touching the ripe seed pods to watch them scatter their seeds — the reason that its other common name is touch-me-not — and also the reason this annual plant is able to spread so readily.

For me, these benefits far outweigh the minor annoyance of having to pull out excess plants. I might feel differently if it were a difficult job, but these annual plants have very shallow roots (as shown in the photo), so with a minor tug I can pull out handfuls of the extras and compost them or simply lay them on the ground between other plants.

Perhaps another example could be some of the goldenrods (Solidago). These don’t spread quite as much as jewelweed, but they’re a bit more difficult to dig out.
On balance, though, their beautiful flowers and essential role in providing nectar for fall pollinators (including the monarch) make them far too valuable to give up.
(And, no, they are NOT responsible for fall allergies!)
Some other examples in my yard:
- obedient plant – not always so obedient!
- flowering raspberry
- Canada anemone
- asters
- senna
- Virginia creeper
Living with enthusiastic natives
Over the years, I’ve learned which plants can become rambunctious and have begun to implement some management rules.

For example, I allow my flowering raspberry to fill the area between the driveway and the porch, but not beyond. I allow my jewelweeds to fill the area between the porch and the side path, as well as a few other out of the way places, but I compost any others that pop up. I allow Virginia creeper to creep all over and around the shed, but only there.

The hellstrip between the road and the sidewalk is another area where plants such as obedient plant can grow. For other plants, such as joe-pye, I remove “extra” seed heads to limit their spread, though I do leave as many as possible for birds to eat throughout the winter.
When I see a native plant starting to get out of hand, I find a management rule — what I think of as my “policies.” This eliminates any hmming and hawing about whether to pull out any individual plant. If it’s in its allotted place, it can stay; if it isn’t, it goes (even if it’s one of my favorites!)
A dilemma

Poison ivy (shown in a North Carolina yard) is native and provides important habitat, but if you have a regular-size yard, it’s hard to co-exist peacefully with this plant. If you have more space where you don’t have to interact with it, it’s beneficial for wildlife.
Fortunately, we don’t have this plant in our yard here in Central NY (though it is native in NYS), but our family has had very unpleasant run-ins with it on our visits to North Carolina.
An “invasive species” is a species that does not naturally occur in a specific area and whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.
~ President’s Executive Order 13112, 1999
- Wildflower Center:
- Virginia creeper – Don’t confuse poison ivy and Virginia creeper
- Jewelweed – Note that it’s an antidote to poison ivy!
- A Way to Garden.com:
- Get smarter about poison ivy, with Dr. Susan Pell – Poison ivy is a native vine beneficial to wildlife, but sometimes difficult for people to have in their yard
- The Humane Gardener:
- NC State Extension:
- Leaves of Three, Let It Be: How to identify poison ivy – also shows poison oak (not an oak) and poison sumac (not a sumac)