Here’s a small sample of some arachnids we’ve noticed around our yard.
Harvestman aka Daddy Longlegs (Opiliones)

The harvestman or daddy longlegs (one of its many common names) is one of my favorites. Despite its appearance, it is NOT a spider, although it IS an arachnid, as are spiders.
And despite myths about it being poisonous, it’s harmless. (And since it’s so common, if it were poisonous, how would so many people have survived over the millennia?)
In fact, they’re considered to be beneficial.
When we used to go camping back in our younger days, we’d always find a lot of daddy longlegs on the surfaces of the tent inside and out. We’d carefully remove them before packing up the tent so they wouldn’t get squished.
- Mental Floss:
- NY Times:
Crab spider (Misumena vatia)

I found this bright yellow crab spider on my swamp milkweed plants. It’s pretty noticeable in this photo, but it would blend in very well if it were sitting on a yellow flower.
Black and yellow argiope (Argiope aurantia)

We enjoyed watching this black and yellow argiope spider for a couple of weeks.
It’s sometimes called the “writing spider” because of the white stripe it “writes” in his web.

Of course, he’s looking for insects as food and was quite successful. We enjoyed watching him repair his web each day and catch his meals. He would wrap up his catch just as a butcher wraps a piece of meat — only much, much more quickly!
I became quite fond of him and grew accustomed to seeing him each day. Unfortunately, he himself became insect food I suspect because one day I went out to see him and he was gone.
- Learn more:
- Humane Gardener: Life in the places between
Long jawed orb weaver (Tetragnatha)

As I was pulling out some of the extra three-squared rush (and there’s LOTS of extra), I noticed two of these spiders aligned on the blade. It was intriguing how their legs fit perfectly up and down.
Grass spider, a kind of funnel spider (Agelenopsis)

I noticed this interesting structure in the flower bed along the road. It was an amazing structure, though a little worse for wear. Its opening was a perfect circle.
Equally amazing is how long this structure lasts. I had noticed it days before I finally took the opportunity to photograph it.
We can learn so much from the materials and construction techniques of other creatures who manage to create incredibly effective, but non-polluting and biodegradable things.

After looking at the interesting tunnel, I spotted its builder. It had scurried out to the end of the tunnel to see if it had caught dinner. Perhaps my disturbing the flowers around it had send a false signal of a successful catch.
Cross Orbweaver (Araneus diadematus)

It’s fascinating to watch spiders wrapping up their prey before eating it.
They’re said to eat their whole web each night, along with any little insects stuck in it, then spin a new one in the morning.
Thanks to for ID!
Shamrock orbweaver (Araneus trifolium)

Generally the spider was hiding in its little leaf house at the top of the web, but one day we saw him preparing a future meal.
Also known as a pumpkin orbweaver, which makes more sense to me given its pumpkin-like body.
Another ID courtesy of, which describes it as “perhaps the most distinctive member of the genus Araneus.”

We found two of these webs in our backyard meadow area. We were careful not to disturb it, so we were able to enjoy its newly-repaired web each day.
Orchard spider (Leucauge venusta)

I was glad I managed to get a picture of this busy spider who was busily weaving its web. The picture doesn’t do it justice, though. It’s a beautiful, almost iridescent color immediately caught my eye as I was walking past.

It’s categorized as a long-jawed orb-weaving spider.
If you look closely, you can see its spinneret.
Thank you again, BugGuide!
- Learn more: Missouri Dept of Conservation
Bowl and doily spider (Frontinella pyramitela)

I was surprised to learn that this (I think) is what is called a “bowl and doily” spider web.
I had taken photos of them over the years just because the webs are intriguing, but I didn’t think about the fact that it was a particular kind of spider that built them for a particular reason. Next time I see one, I’ll spend a bit more time looking for its builder!