Birds need water to drink and water for bathing to keep those feathers in good flying condition.
Most birds, like this blue jay, sip some water then raise their head to use gravity to let the water go down their throat.

Doves are different. They can leave their bills in the water as they drink.

We had birdbaths in the past, but we now just have our ponds and stream. The stream is a big attraction for our “regulars” as well as migrating birds passing through. Robins seem to be the champion bathers for some reason. They seem to take baths more than any other birds.

This blue jay is really enjoying his bath!
Here are more photos of birds bathing in water (as well as sun and dust bathing).
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology:
- Providing Water for Birds (and you can download a 2-page fact sheet at the bottom of that page)
- Cool Green Science (Nature Conservancy)
- Should you provide water for birds in winter? Answer: Not for bathing!