We have lots of bird visitors. Some are around all the time; some visit only during migration. The first few years after creating our habitat garden, we’d see “new” (to us) species.
For the last few years, though, we don’t often have surprise visits, but we enjoy our familiar visitors — all, that is, except the grackles, starlings, and house sparrows.
It’s hard to get good photos of birds. They’re just too quick. I hope to get some good photos during the coming years, but our catalog shows some of the birds I’ve been able to capture in some form or other.
About this catalog
This isn’t necessarily a complete list of the birds that have visited our yard — only the ones I have managed to get a photo of or have a comment about. I’m pretty sure about the identification of most of the birds, but if I’ve made any bird ID errors, please contact me at info@ourhabitatgarden.org.
This catalog may look like the birds are listed in random order. They’re not in alphabetical order (and the common names wouldn’t be used in that case anyway), but rather in (kind of) taxonomic order, since that’s what I use in community science projects.
How to interpret our charts
When you click on each page, you’ll see a description of birds we’ve seen in our yard, each followed by a table. Here’s what the symbols in the tables mean:
- Blank space: We weren’t able to count birds that month
- Dot: We observed birds that month, but didn’t see that particular species
- Number: The number of that species we saw that month BUT only at one time. In other words, if we saw one cardinal, for example, at 9 am, then another one at 10 am, we count it only as one individual since it could be the same bird seen each time. So we can consider each entry to be conservative estimates of birds seen — at LEAST as many as the number indicates (although I think it’s generally unlikely there were a lot more than the number indicated).
Our birds
These are the birds we’ve seen in our yard. Click on each page for more information about each species and some stats on often we observed them in our yard — from 2001 on — so it’s interesting to see patterns as our habitat and bird populations have evolved! Of course, these numbers are also sometimes affected by our opportunity to observe or not observe some months.
Page 1: Herons, Ducks, Hawks (except for doves, this group is not very numerous)
- Great blue heron
- Mallard
- Sharp-shinned hawk
- Cooper’s hawk
- Red-tailed hawk
- Wild turkey
- Rock pigeon
- Mourning dove
Page 2: Hummingbirds, Woodpeckers
- Ruby-throated hummingbird
- Red-bellied woodpecker
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker
- Downy woodpecker
- Hairy woodpecker
- Northern flicker
- Pileated woodpecker
Page 3: Flycatchers, Vireos, Jays, Crows
- Eastern wood-peewee
- Eastern phoebe
- Great crested flycatcher
- Eastern kingbird
- Warbling vireo
- Red-eyed vireo
- Blue jay
- American crow
Page 4: Chickadees, Titmice, Wrens
- Black-capped chickadee
- Tufted titmouse
- Red-breasted nuthatch
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Carolina wren
- House wren
- Winter wren
Page 5: Kinglets, Thrushes, Mockingbirds
- Ruby-crowned kinglet
- Blue-gray gnatcatcher
- Swainson’s thrush
- Hermit thrush
- American robin
- Gray catbird
- Northern mockingbird
Page 6: Thrashers, Waxwings, Starlings
- Brown thrasher
- Cedar waxwing
- European starling
Page 7: Warblers (part 1)
- Tennessee warbler
- Orange-crowned warbler
- Nashville warbler
- Northern parula warbler
- Yellow warbler
- Chestnut-sided warbler
- Magnolia warbler
- Palm warbler
- Cape May warbler
- Black-throated blue warbler
- Yellow-rumped warbler
Page 8: Warblers (part 2)
- Black-throated green warbler
- Blackburnian warbler
- Bay-breasted warbler
- Blackpoll warbler
- Black and white warbler
- American redstart
- Common yellowthroat
- Wilson’s warbler
- Scarlet tanager
Page 9: Sparrows
- Eastern towhee
- American tree sparrow
- Chipping sparrow
- Field sparrow
- Fox sparrow
- Song sparrow
- Lincoln’s sparrow
- Swamp sparrow
- White-throated sparrow
- White-crowned sparrow
- Dark-eyed junco
Page 10: Grosbeaks, Blackbirds
- Northern cardinal
- Rose-breasted grosbeak
- Indigo bunting
- Red-winged blackbird
- Common grackle
- Brown-headed cowbird
- Baltimore oriole
Page 11: Finches
- Purple finch
- House finch
- White-winged crossbill
- Common redpoll
- Pine siskin
- American goldfinch
- House sparrow
- Cool Green Science:
- All About Birds: