We’re confident that our yard provides prime hunting grounds for our frogs and toads.
Since we don’t use any pesticides, we have a good supply of insects available for their meals.

And we’re especially happy to welcome toads, who eat slugs and lots of other garden pests. In fact, I’ve heard it said that people don’t really have a slug problem, they have a “deficiency-of-toads” problem!

When I have seen them catch an insect, it happens so very quickly that it’s difficult to snap a photo of the deed. But I got lucky this time, and caught a photo of this frog eating a dragonfly.
I’ve rarely actually seen them eating an insect or eating anything at all. Of course, they must be eating since they continue to survive, and they look well-fed. But generally, they look like they’re just sitting around waiting.
Time’s fun when you’re having flies.
~ Kermit the Frog