Over the years, we’ve created and displayed our own signs, partly in the spirit of the Wild Ones BRASH principles (the “A” meaning “advertise”) and partly in the spirit of educating and inspiring the people passing our yard to think about how they can make a difference. I’ve tried to keep “education” and “inspiration” as the guiding principles. (Our purchased signs are described here.)
I’ve had quite a few people commenting that they’ve enjoyed reading the signs and have learned a lot. I’ve even noticed some kids stopping their bikes to read the signs!

These are signs I downloaded from The Xerces Society, all on the important topic of Leave the Leaves. I just repeated the sign’s text at the bottom in larger font to make it easier for passers-by to read. You can download these from this page.
I just print these signs out on photo paper, laminate them, and attach them to a section of fence (see below) or even a stick. I’ve also used some small, curved bamboo trellises.

I think the easiest way to use them is with fence sections. We bought a pack of fencing, then separated them into sections. We cut off the connecting pieces of metal so it’s simply separate section of fence. (We also use these fence sections to support individual plants.)
These are all 8 x 11 ½ or 11 x 14 signs — nothing too large — and they’re all displayed pretty close to the ground. I don’t put all of them out at once, of course, and try to switch out a new group of signs each week.
I’ve been pretty pleased at how well these signs hold up when laminated. (Initially I had just covered the signs with plastic and sealed the edges with tape, but that just didn’t work.) Each laminated sign has lasted a number of years, though some have become faded if they’ve been displayed very long; then I just reprint them. Overall, considering the importance of spreading the word about habitat gardening, it’s been quite doable and affordable.
Our signs
We’ve created signs on the following topics. You’re welcome to download, print, and laminate them for your own use. No need to ask for permission!